Nvidia has been in touch to let us know that the original release notes for the RT Overdrive mode were misleading. In fact, the new path-tracing goodness will run on any GPU with hardware ray tracing, including Nvidia’s original RTX 20-series and AMD’s RX 6000 and 7000 graphics.
As we explain below, given that the RTX 4090 is dragged down to just 16 fps running the new eye candy natively and without DLSS goodies, don’t get too excited if you have older RT-capable hardware. The frame rates almost certainly aren’t going to be pretty.
Original story:
Rejoice, for Cyberpunk 2077’s RT Overdrive mode is now live in all its path tracing glory. Well, rejoice if you own a recent Nvidia graphics card. Don’t rejoice if you own an older Nvidia GPU or any graphics from AMD, because it won’t run on your PC.
Path tracing, of course, is essentially full-fat ray tracing with more rays, more reflections, more of everything that makes lighting realistic.
According to the creators of Cyberpunk, CD Projekt RED, the patch, “pushes the boundaries of what’s possible in technology. However, because it is so new and fundamentally dif…
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